Interview Experience

This article I am using for interview experience collection for learning purpose only. If you also have any interview experience feel free to add below in comments.
Python + React + AWS
Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 03:00 PM — Yash Technologies
Job description:
- Experience with Enterprise web application development utilizing technologies like python, flask, REST, react.js, Docker, AWS, etc.
- Ability to create and maintain micro frontends with Webpack Module federation
- Experience with Agile development process
- Experience with SCM tools like github or bitbucket
- Experience with infrastructure as a code development.
- Experience with CICD development.
- Experience with configuring and using search services like Opensearch or Elasticsearch.
- Open to learn new technologies and skills as required.
Questions :
- Tell about yourself mainly focusing where you have used relevant skills.
- What is bounding box in HTML?
- Border & Padding
- CSS Basics
- What is Docker?
- Write SQL query for Select data from table where end with 2,2
- Amazon EC2, lambda, Cloud Services
- Class & Function based components
- Redux
- Hoisting
- Closure
- Event Bubbling
- Event Capturing
- Hooks
- useEffect and write its structure
- UseState
- List, tuple, dictionary, array difference
- Tools used for deployment
- Synchronous & Asynchronous
- Write code for below problem in JavaScript or Python
myString = "My name is Puneet Kumar"
#1 Remove Whitespaces
#2 Create array of words inside the string seperated by whitespaces
#3 Count vowels
22. Create of Array of random number then solve below problems.
myRandomArray = [1,3,6,8,3,5,6,7,8,2,9,3,2,5,7,1,8,9]
#1 find unique
#2 arrange in ascending order, original should be immutable
#3 Count occurance of each element like {key:value}
# ->key is the value of element and value is the occurance of that element.
23. Write a MySQL Query to select data from particular rows which contains numeric value and the number ends with 22 only.
Full Stack Developer
7 May 2024 — Accenture
- Tell about Yourself
- What is JWT ?
- What is Java Spring Boot?
- Rest & Soap
- Stateless ?
- where comes SSL certificate
- float & stick and flex
- if there are two p tag you want to use in one line
- What is promise ?
- closure in javascript
- String & String object diff
- Hooks
- how deploy react app
- when use SQl No-SQl
- Database transaction
- DML considered as database transaction ?
- Clearly explain your project from creation to deployment.
Java Developer
Rabobank 20 May 2024
- J Unit
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Inheritance example in Java
- Annotation
- Access Modifier
- Spring MVC
- What is output of this ?
System.out.println(1 + 1 + "1" + 1 -1 +1);
System.out.println(2 +2+ "2" + "2" + 2 + 2);
9. Hobbies ?