Full Stack Engineer Interview Preparing Topics & Notes

- Hyper text markup language
- standard text formatting language
- Interpreted by the browser
- HTML defines the structure of data
- CSS to make visual
- JavaScript to make functional
- HTML5: SVG and MathML can be used in text
- HTML5 is more mobile friendly
- Allows drag and drop effect
- <audio> <video> <source> <embed> <track> new media tags in HTML5
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
CSS in style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in markup language.
Selector: Selects the content you want to style.
- Universal selector
- element type selector
- ID selector
- class selector
- Bootstrap is a versatile toolkit that includes HTML CSS and Java Script tools for creating and developing web pages and applications.
- It is a free open source project that was built by and for twitter on get hub
- Responsive mobile first strategy
- Bootstrap container is a handicraft that generates a central region on page where we can put our site content.
- In Bootstrap 5 JQuery is removed and switch to vanilla JavaScript with some plugins.
JavaScript (Brendan Eich 1995)
- A script is a JavaScript program that maybe added to the html of any webpage.
- Java script is a scripting language, JavaScript is Object Oriented Programming Language.
- Hoisting is the default behaviour of JavaScript where all the variables and function declaration are moved on top.
JQuery (library)
- JQuery is an open source lightweight most popular Java Script library.
- JQuery is not a programming language but a well Britain Java Script code.
- Difference is that JavaScript is a language while jQuery is built in library for JavaScript.
Java Programming
- POJO = Plane Old Java Object.
- Java is the high level, object oriented, robust, secure programming language, platform independent, high performance, multithreaded and portable programming language.
Database using MySQL
- SQL join: A join clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables.
- Types of joins in SQL:

- Inner Join : returns record that have matching values in both tables.
- Left Join : returns all records from the left table and the match record from the right table.
- Right Join : returns all the records from the right table and the match records from the left table.
- Full [Outer] Join : Returns all records when there is a match in the other left or right table.
Spring core Maven
- Spring is a powerful open source loosely couple lightweight Java Framework mint for reducing the complexity of enterprise level application.
- Spring is a lightweight Java based Loosely coupled (less dependency) framework.
- Spring Framework is layered architecture.
- It is framework of frameworks.
- Inversion of Control : IOC means you don’t create objects object will be constructed by spring framework. IOC container does them (XML file).
- Dependency Injection (DI) : This is sub type of Inversion Of Control (IOC).
- When we have “A Has” relationship then it called as a dependency.
- Constructor Injection 2. Setter Injection
- Spring is a web application Framework based on Java.
- Spring Boot is a module of spring.
- Component
- One way data binding
- Simplicity
- Performance
- JavaScript XML
Design Principles and Patterns
Design pattern provides a journal reusable solution for the common problem that occurs in software design.
Java OOPs
- Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) is a programming paradigm that is based on the concept of objects rather than just functions and procedures.
- Bottom up approach
- Provides data hiding
- It has four pillars :-
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism.
1. Inheritance
Inheritance is one such concept where the properties of one class can be inherited by other.
There are different types of inheritance

- Single level in intense second is
- Multilevel inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance***
***For hybrid inheritance, multiple inheritance is not supported in Java. It leads to ambiguity so this type inheritance(Hybrid) is achieved by use of interface in Java.
2. Encapsulation

Encapsulation refers to binding the data and the code that works on that together in a single unit. In other words encapsulation refers to bundling of fields and method inside a single class it also helps in achieving Data Hiding.
3. Data abstraction
it is the process of hiding certain details and showing only essential information to the user for example while riding bike you know about only rays accelerator to increase speed but don’t know how actually it happens.
4. Polymorphism
polymorphism is the ability of object to take on many forms or you can say doing the same thing in a different way for example a man in a same time can be a father husband and employee so that means and object to take on many forms in a same time.
Two or more methods having the same name but different parameters or signature.
Child class re defining methods present in the base class with the same parameters or signature.
ArrayList and LinkedList
Both are list interface in Java.
- Array list is faster in storing and accessing data.
- Linked list is faster in manipulation of data.
Garbage collector
- It is the process by which Java programs performs automatic memory management.
- Java programs compiled to White Coat that can be run on Java Virtual Machine JVM. When java program run on JBM objects are created on the heap, which is portion of memory dedicated a program.
- Eventually some objects will no longer be needed garbage collector finds them and used objects and delete them to free up memory.
For loop and For-Each loop
- For loop it uses and index of an element to fetch data from an array.
- For each loop it uses and iteration variable to automatically fetch data from an array.
Some Topics to that you must know even for basic Java Interview:
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- For and For Each Loop
- Method in iteration class
- Garbage collection
- Linked list and Array list
- Java program for sorting using framework and without framework
- Java program to reverse numbers using Framework without framework
- join concepts in SQL
- HTML CSS in JavaScript
- OOPs
- Overloading and Overriding
- Purpose of Design patterns
- Primary key and Foreign key
Happy Learning !!!
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